
医生1962年出生于中国广州。1979年在广州第101中学毕业后,进入中山医学院修读口腔病学(牙科),于1984年取得学士学位。在中山医学院附属医院工作了一年后,由于成绩优异,于1986年荣获加拿大阿尔伯特省的Alberta Heritage Foundation Fellowship 奖学金,并得到了出国留学的机会。

1990年她在阿尔伯特大学获得了口腔生物学的硕士学位,之后移居卡加利城,和丈夫一起展开新的家庭生活。在卡加利的前三年她在卡加利大学担任McCaig Joint Injury and Diseases Research Group的研究员,在Dr. Mark Adams 的指导下进行分子生物学的研究工作。1993年开始在卡加利大学修读博士课程,因此在1997年她获得了博士学位。





was born in 1962 in Guangzhou, China, graduating from Guangzhou 101 High School in 1979 with distinction. She received her Bachelor of Medicine in stomatology (dentistry) at Sun Yat-Sen University in 1984 and spent a year as a resident in the university hospital. In May 1986, she emigrated to Canada after receiving the prestigious Alberta Heritage Foundation Fellowship from the University of Alberta.

Sharon studied in Edmonton until the completion of her Master of Science in Oral Biology in 1990, when she joined her husband in Calgary. There she researched molecular biology at the McCaig Joint Injury and Diseases Research Group (currently McCaig Institute for Bone and Joint Health) under Dr. Mark Adams at the Department of Medicine, University of Calgary. In 1993 Sharon began her doctoral studies, completing her Doctor of Philosophy in 1997.

In December 1998, she co-founded ASK Dental Clinic. She completed the National Dental Examining Board of Canada's certification exams and was successfully licensed in 2001 to practice dentistry in Alberta. Beginning with particular service to the Chinese-Calgarian community, ASK Dental Clinic became highly successful over the years under “Dr. Fan's” brisk management. In 2009, ASK Dental Clinic reopened at a new, expanded and modernized location.

In 2010 Sharon was diagnosed with late-stage lung cancer. Tragically, despite 10 months of treatment and dedicated support from her family, she passed away in Foothills Hospital. As the centerpin of her family and business, she will be sorely missed not only as a tireless and incredibly dedicated orchestrator, but especially for the deep and selfless concern she gave to friends, family, employees, and patients alike.

Sharon was buried in Queens Park Cemetery, Calgary, near the people and places that meant the most to her life. She is survived by her husband, two children, and grandchild.